St. Patrick's Church
The stained glass window over the High Altar, in the east wall of St. Patrick's Church is one of the outstanding features of this building.
The church on Barrack Hill dominates the town. Many come to admire the renowned ‘Last Judgement’ east window by Harry Clarke, but the church itself has a fascinating history, so take your time to appreciate its many features, including the superb western doorway and the beautifully restored altar.
The Last Judgement Window
The window, which is really made up of three windows of equal size is often called "the Three Sisters" but is more commonly known as "the Last Judgment window". It was the last work executed by the late Harry Clarke (1889-1931). It was installed in the church at Newport in February 1931. Canon Michael MacDonald commissioned Harry, who was undoubtedly Ireland's greatest stained glass artist, to create a large three-light window for the east wall of the chancel in 1926. The cost of the window was £800 and Canon MacDonald sold his life insurance to finance the project. It was the last work executed by the late Harry Clarke of Clarke Studios.

Prophecy of Brian Carabine
Brian Carabine prophesised- "In years to come a church will be built on this hill and the alter will stand where I myself slept. Of that church, not one stone will be left". This is exactly what happened. In 1918 the old church of St. Joseph's was demolished to the foundations and the new church of St. Patrick was built.

Built in 1918
There were four Bishops, up to 100 priests, many arriving by train at Newport Railway Station, and an overflowing congregation. They gathered in St. Patrick's church, Newport, for the dedication of the new church by most Rev. Dr. Gilmartin, Archbishop of Tuam, on Sunday, September 8th 1918.

Centenary Celebrations
In 2018, Newport celebrated 100 years since the building of St. Patrick’s Church. The occasion was marked with a weekend of celebrations and festivities.
Church open to the public from 8:30am to 8:30pm - visitors welcome
Sunday Mass St. Patrick's Church 10:00am

Hotel Newport,
Main Street,
Co. Mayo
F28 YX89
098 41234